This site is designed to help us better communicate with you, our valued visitor, and to help you better understand: who we are, why we exist, what our interests are, where our activities are centered, when they are scheduled to occur, and what items/information we have available for your exploration and possible purchase.


Our society was officially chartered almost 50 years ago to bring together people interested in history and especially those people interested in the history of Gasconade County located in this beautiful state of Missouri. This web site is precisely focused on achieving this stated purpose.

As you browse, you will see that we have organized our website around both our Museum, located in Owensville, Missouri and our Archives & Records Center located in Hermann, Missouri. If you desire more detail, you will find both text and photographs to help you better understand a given topic. We want you to get all that you are seeking and we pledge to help you in whatever way we can.

We are very interested in achieving and maintaining the highest of quality standards. In particular, we are striving to present accurate, timely and useful information to you, our visitors, in an attractive and easily understood manner. You can help us bring our website ever closer to these quality standards by providing us with feedback through the feedback form. We are sincerely interested in your suggestions on how we can improve, so please let us know.

If you have a question about research, please call (573) 486-4028 or email the Archives and Records Center at: If you are requesting research to be completed by our staff, please use the research request form.

Thank you and enjoy.

UPDATE - The walls of the expansion were put into place today, February 28, 2025!