Century Landmark Contributors
The Gasconade County Historical Society is proud to acknowledge the following contributors to our Century Landmarks Program:
Lois Puchta and Horace Hesse display the Landmark plaque that was awarded to The FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK of Hermann, Missouri at our 7 November 2010 membership dinner meeting in Bem.
Shirley and Herb Lindroth display the Landmark plaque that was awarded to The OWENSVILLE HOTEL of Owensville, Missouri at our 7 November 2010 membership dinner meeting in Bem.
Anna Rademacher places the first Century Landmark sign on the exterior of her resturant
housed in the Farmer's Merchant Bank Building (inset) located on Owensville's Main Street.
Owensville Elementary School was officially designated as a Gasconade County Century Landmark Site on 13 October 2011. Click the image above for video of ceremony.