Steamboat Kid, Memories of a Missouri River Childhood

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Steamboat Kid, Memories of a Missouri River Childhood


Steamboat Kid, Memories of a Missouri River Childhood

by Dorothy Heckmann Shrader

In this the third of Shrader’s Missouri River trilogy, she tells her own story through firsthand accounts of growing up in the port of Hermann, Missouri, and life aboard the steamer John Heckmann, the big excursion boat that was her father’s dream and obsession. Growing up on the river Shrader survived boiler explosions, bouts of malaria and typhoid, wild runaway boat rides, and even a Roaring Twenties run-in with Kansas City’s notorious Boss Pendergast. Hard cover, illustrated.

ISBN: 1-9638589-6-3

Pages: 182

Dimensions: 7.25 x 10.25

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